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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Painting With A Twist

Hello friendlies! My friend Martha and I spent Tuesday evening painting the night away and we had a ball. There's a place in Lexington where they teach you how to paint like the masters..oh yes, this is a real place. it's called Painting With A Twist and I heart this place. I was an Art History major and my gal, marge has a serious love for art as well, so this class was a real winner for the both of us! We got to recreate a Monet painting, I die. So here is a picture of one of the painting's from a series Monet created of his Japanese water bridge at his home in Giverny (fun fact!). 

Monet studied many of the same objects throughout the years and painted them at different times of the day as well as seasons, these paintings were known as his series (think-Waterlilies!). The image above is only one of many, they are all different and unique, which made this class even more exciting and fun, we were able to truly express ourselves artistically. I loved every second of it. 

When you arrive at Painting With A Twist the instructor hands you a blank canvas...can we say intimidating. Even though Martha and I have a love for the arts, we don't necessarily have a steady hand with a brush. The other girls in the class assured us that we would be fine and love our paintings at the end of class. they were right. The images below show the progress we made from a blank canvas to one full of life and color..hope you enjoy!

Martha and I anxiously awaiting the class to start

We were surprised to find that the majority of the canvas was covered with black paint

Then came yellow

Then came green

 we added foliage

and finally the bridge

the finished products!

We know they're no Monet's but we were proud. I suggest you check them out if you're in Lexington, it's a super rad time and they have the cutest little gallery inside!

They also have this bob ross situation. amazing.

So tell me, would you ever try this?!


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