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Friday, October 11, 2013


This past weekend was my birthday (Yep, its Jacquie again!).  And I know a lot of people, after the age of 25, stopped celebrating them. Because they were getting OLD (gasp, how can anyone ever be old?).  I don't see it that way.  I LOVE my birthday.  It doesn't matter that I turned 38 (2 years to 40!).  What matters to me is that I made it another year which is, sadly, more than a lot of people.  Its the ultimate time to celebrate that you are alive.

So, how did I celebrate? Well, I worked a rockin' Parents Weekend for JMU.  Then I went to Barren Ridge Vineyards with my boyfriend and dear friends. It was beautiful.  They have cabin in the back that you can sit and look over the vineyard.  We even watched a wedding in the distance.  We sat, talked, ate food and birthday cake.  Played a Cards Against Humanity which is very like Apples to Apples except for adults with the sickest senses of humor. It was perfect.  I love my goofy, lovely friends. 

 AND my Bluetique family sent me these BEAUTIFUL flowers.

 Really, my corporation is the BEST.

Birthdays not only give you the best reason ever to celebrate - basically alive-ness - but the people who love and care about you get to show you how glad you are alive too.

And really what is better than that?

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